My adorable little baby turned 10 months old this week and I knew I had to celebrate in some special way! I decided last minute that this was it, the time I was going to do a milk bath photo shoot with my little girl, so I gathered up my kiddos (big brother was a big supporter) and we ran out to the store to pick up some citrus fruits, greenery, and a little baby’s breath for good measure. I plotted it all out in my head, and during the kids’ lunch I finally opened up my new soft box lights to test them out! Side note, they’re amazing and I’m so excited to get to use them!
Once big bro was napping and Violet was fed and happy, I got to work. I sliced, and decorated, and got the lighting just perfect. Wiped down the sink one last time then filled it with warm water and added the milk. Tossed in some of the citrus greens, lemon, orange, and grapefruit slices and got my littlest ready for some fun (though she wasn’t sure at first).
Anyways, I’ve decided that milk bath photo shoots are now my favorite and I need to do more of them. Please, if you know of any babies that are ready for the cutest, most precious photos of all time, send them my way!
I absolutely LOVE the way these turned out, but don’t take my word for it, check out my cutie for yourself! There are roughly 1 million photos, but I couldn’t choose which one was the best (I might be a bit biased)! Scroll through and tell me your favorite!

If you’re ready to book a milk bath session, or any other session for that matter, let me know!
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